Saturday, June 4, 2011

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  • HyperZboy
    Apr 5, 08:02 PM
    That must mean I'm not normal. :D

    Is there really anyone normal on tech/geek websites like Macrumors, etc.?

    :: ducks ::


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  • bruinsrme
    Apr 5, 08:09 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

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  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 25, 11:25 AM
    What if I came along and stole all of Apples patents and used them in a way that were above and beyond anything Apple created with them?

    You're thought process of this situation is completely horrible.

    What are the chances of you creating anything 'exceedingly awesome'?
    Slim, or none?

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  • Detlev
    Oct 16, 07:37 PM
    I am willing to be Apple's test market :D


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  • surf2snow1
    Mar 24, 04:09 PM
    Grrrrr, I can't decide. Looks like I'll probably get the 32GB.. 399 + $45 taxes. Anyone think $444 worth it for the older 32 or do better deals exist? I'm somewhat convinced since it is new.

    I'm debating 16 or 32. It's for the wife to take to the gym with her.

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  • mcrain
    Apr 5, 10:39 AM
    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    So, the bad guys are the teachers, firefighters, police, tax collectors, engineers, paper pushers, etc... who are employed by the government? So, it's their fault that corporations and individuals aren't paying (or avoiding paying) sufficient taxes to pay for the spending that was enacted by elected officials?

    Good to know who you blame for not being able to afford things like more oil subsidies, tax breaks for companies like GE, and lowering estate taxes on high value estates.

    Not that surprising considering the efforts to now radically cut programs for the poor, sick and elderly.

    (edit) How many BILLIONS of dollars in bribe money have been "lost" or "misplaced" or "stolen" in Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions with a B. Enough to fund the 14-16 billion dollar cost of extending unemployment 14 more weeks? In the past three years, over $3 billion in CASH was flown out of Kabul reports the Wall Street Journal. Officials don’t know exactly who got what, but have a general idea: “U.S. investigators believe top Afghan officials and their associates are sending billions of diverted U.S. aid and logistics dollars and drug money to financial safe havens abroad.” That’s still $9 billion less than what was lost in Iraq. Not quite enough, but close.


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  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 29, 07:21 AM
    This is a TERRIBLE idea for the following reasons:

    1. You would need to have ever car fitted with the equivalent of an electronic toll collection system so we have can verified computation of miles traveled. Talk about serious privacy implications, to say the least.

    2. The cost of implementing such a system would be exorbitantly expensive.

    In my opinion, if you want to cut down on fuel consumption, just impose an excise tax based on engine displacement and physical size of vehicle like they do in Europe and Japan. That way, it would discourage people from buying bigger fuel-guzzling vehicles in the first place. I mean, would you buy a BMW 750iL if you're going to be hit with a 20% excise tax on top of the price of the car?

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  • talkingfuture
    Mar 28, 09:28 AM
    I seem to remember a rumour not long after the iPad 2 event that iPhone 5 would be delayed until late summer / autumn. Perhaps all these rumours are falling into place and we won't see iPhone 5 until after the summer.


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  • bill4588
    Oct 9, 04:34 PM
    i dont know why walmart and target are making a fuss about the online movie store. they're like "it's going to cut into our sales!! waaaahhhhhh!!" they need to shut up. it's like they don't understand competitive advantage.

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  • rmhop81
    Mar 23, 02:06 PM
    Sounds a bit redundent given my Samsung TV, Sony Bluray, Humax PVR, XBox 360, Windows PC and my macs (with Twonky installed) already all play nicely together without needing a new standard.

    and look at how many devices you have to do that lol


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  • roadbloc
    Dec 22, 04:05 AM
    What I'm curious about is why blindly (for a lot of people) support a very successful band, wouldn't this have been a really nice little story if people rallied to buy a track from a smaller/upcoming band? Or maybe a real charity single or for something more deserving, like them soldier blokes or whoever.

    Good points, but I think you're knit-picking. A smaller and more unknown song from a smaller and more unknown band wouldn't have had the same impact. Nearly everyone has heard of RATM, and I think that's what essentially sold it. The song, band and cause, all being about rebellion.

    We've tried what you said before with something called Band Aid. The first time it was rather good and useful. The second time it sucked. The Americans also tried it and it sucked as well.

    I think giving money to shelter is a very good thing to do. I'd certainly hate to be spending xmas alone on the streets, especially in this weather. Soldiers have a job, and it is their choice they wanted to join the army. By all means, they should get all the help needed, but I believe helping the homeless is much more kinder. Please don't shoot me down for that, I fully respect the troops fighting for us abroad, but it was their choice to do that, where as, being homeless, isn't.

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  • saving107
    Oct 6, 10:35 AM
    I find it funny how investors continue to trust these "analyst" even though none of them have any insider information and are wrong 90% of the time, the other 10% of the time they have been correct was from publishing rumors as facts from stories they more likely read here on MacRumors regarding future products.

    like this guy "Alex Gauna" who called 20 Apple Stores around the country and already determined that the new Apple TV is selling at a rate of 1 millions units a quarter, even thought Apple Stores never give out any information of how many units have been received or sold.

    how do these people still have jobs?


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  • chabig
    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?
    Apple doesn't have to have a public event to update the machines. They'll just appear on the website someday.

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  • Miharu
    Apr 7, 01:51 PM
    Those were the two good games... Then there were things like Pac-Pix, Pok�mon Rush etc. Also the original DS was really ugly, especially compared to the PSP :) In the end though, DS Lite came out as the winner.

    One thing I really liked about the DS was that it came with a Metroid Prime Hunters demo, so there was at least something to play with immediately. Same thing with the AR cards included with the 3DS.

    I'm really looking forward to future 3DS games, but then I always remember how the thing is region locked :( I have lots of Japanese and American games, for example Ouendan 1 & 2, Taiko no Tatsujin, Phoenix Wright etc. Many of these games didn't come out in Europe at all or came around a year late.


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  • leskimo
    Apr 23, 07:28 AM
    Well.. I ordered the 320m Air yesterday, after reading up on the latest rumors. Maybe I will regret this but since I plan to do some basic 3D (Maya) modelling and opengl graphics development on the go, I figured the sandy bridge upgrade will actually be more of a downgrade.
    We'll see.

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  • Cybix
    Oct 26, 08:33 PM
    how about some screen shots, any1?


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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Nov 2, 10:10 AM
    In ten years from now, expect the Mac OS to have 98% of the market share and a paperweight will be more valuable than any Windows PC. :D

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  • ejfontenot
    Mar 7, 03:42 PM
    I will head over to Stonebriar about 415. Meeting until 4, then head over after. If they don't have what I want, then Best Buy. Of course still debating on which model to buy, but that's for another thread!

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  • ctsport1234
    Oct 28, 04:51 AM
    the new interface looks great! its about time apple! ;)

    Nov 2, 05:17 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    However in my experience, fewer people are waiting on Vista for a new machine than you may think. I'm really surprised at how little buzz Vista is getting. I've got several friends with HIGH END hardware running Vista beta now, and the all think it works great except for Aero, which to a person they have all turned off. Every single one of them complains about the speed, but say it is very solid crash-wise, especially for a beta. But when I press them if they will actually buy Vista the day it comes out, all but one said no. The main reason is that there is just nothing all that compelling there. And what with significant evidence ( that they have completely re-written their networking stack, I think I'll be with them on the sidelines waiting for a while until they work the bugs out.

    So at least in my limited experience, people who need new hardware are buying it now - and not really waiting for Vista, which may be 9-12 months off for them anyway. What this means to me is that Apple's marketshare increases can be written off as an anomaly all that easily.

    Thanks for the interesting podcast link. I wasn't unaware of Vista's possible security problems, I just never realized how bad the worst case scenario could be...despite all the delayed launches. Yes, potentially a hackers paradise, but I'd still be surprised if the final version of Vista wasn't far more secure than previous versions of W$.

    I think you're right that some people will be wary of becoming early adopters of Vista in light of all the cited beta-version problems. Many may wait for a Vista SP edition (some 12 months away). Also, there's bound to be some initial confusion for less savvy PC users when faced with 6 different versions of Vista. Despite this, I still expect many millions to be swayed by M$'s mass advertizing campaigns to take the plunge soon after launch.

    But like you, I think none of this need greatly affect Apple's steady rise in marketshare. For sure, Mac OS X will remain the best & most secure OS there is. I just have growing doubts about whether Apple's lack of dedicated graphics in their consumer Macs, combined with the novelty of M$'s new baby, won't cost Apple dearly in the long term. - I very much hope I'll be proved wrong.

    Mar 11, 10:01 PM
    50th in line at Allen BB, but they did not have much left by the time they reached me, mostly white and 3G that not many wanted, bummer. Target and Walmart in the area has little to nothing either.

    Feb 27, 06:28 PM
    Apple has bragged that they had only one version of OS X (compared to the half dozen versions of Windows), so if this is "done right" they could really make good on that promise. There doesn't seem to be that much fundamentally different in the underpinnings of Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server. If the server version of Lion doesn't lose anything then it should be fine, as far as what I need, at least.

    IMHO, anyone who has considered Apple servers for heavy, or even medium, duty use has always been living dangerously. Between single source hardware and miniscule market share, why take the chance? For my SOHO use, it's been working out just fine.

    May 3, 09:46 PM
    The thing is that OS X uses OpenGl, where Windows uses DirectX.

    Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.

    Plus while in the menus, I can resize with apple + m, and open safari real quick, yet still be in the game.

    Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.

    Dec 14, 09:02 AM
    During normal use, my new PowerMac has a very consistent and normal sounding hum.

    But sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and when idle and not sleeping, the PM's sound becomes unconsistent and goes up and down in about 10 second intervals.

    It will be running, and it will sound like it's about to go to sleep...there will be a slight "click" sound, and then you can hear fans wind down and get quiet...then suddenly it "clicks" again, and the fans wind up and get increasingly louder.

    It then continues to do this quiet-to loud-to quiet process indefinitely until I begin using it again.

    It sounds like an interchanging powering down, then powering up, kind of thing. It's hard to explain.

    It sort of does this (imagine the text below to represent the level of sound):


    (not sure if that makes any sense, but it's the best I could do).

    It kind've sounds like it's trying to sleep, but doesn't quite get there, then powers up again...waits, then tries again.

    I've got it set for my 56k to disconnect at 55 minutes of idle, and my PM to sleep at 1 hour of inactvity. I've noticed since I've had it that neither one has ever happened on its own.

    Any help/info/advice is greatly appreciated!

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