Aug 20, 09:16 PM
Great, more ways of other people telling the world where you are without your permission.
edit: The Norwegian goverment today declared Facebook's new "Places"-integration might be illegal, and will discuss this matter with contacts in the EU.
They probably can't stop it, but I'm glad they're raising awereness of the privacy issues. I just don't see why there isn't at least a button you have to click to activate this. There's plenty of people who login to their FB accounts very rarely, including myself. I'm just glad I was informed about this by the media and in forums, so I can go and disable this feature ASAP.
edit: The Norwegian goverment today declared Facebook's new "Places"-integration might be illegal, and will discuss this matter with contacts in the EU.
They probably can't stop it, but I'm glad they're raising awereness of the privacy issues. I just don't see why there isn't at least a button you have to click to activate this. There's plenty of people who login to their FB accounts very rarely, including myself. I'm just glad I was informed about this by the media and in forums, so I can go and disable this feature ASAP.
Mar 11, 04:54 PM
German and Japan are even better.
Which is ok because when the car breaks down, you donate twice as much money to your American mechanic
Which is ok because when the car breaks down, you donate twice as much money to your American mechanic
May 5, 01:53 PM
Eh. They dont do a good job of comparing TBH.
Should've had the Samsung Series 9 against the MBAs. Envy's against the MBP's as well as the DV's and some Sony's. The Envy would still prove a good point seeing as a comparably equipped MBP 15 would've cost me 2600 versus 1100 I paid after my 30% Bing cash back for my Envy 14. (160GB SSD, 6GB RAM, 1600x900 Radiance screen, Core i5-450M)
Overall PC manufacturers need to step up their game, not Microsoft. I like my Envy 14 a lot, but I would have paid a bit more for a better trackpad which is my biggest gripe against it.
Should've had the Samsung Series 9 against the MBAs. Envy's against the MBP's as well as the DV's and some Sony's. The Envy would still prove a good point seeing as a comparably equipped MBP 15 would've cost me 2600 versus 1100 I paid after my 30% Bing cash back for my Envy 14. (160GB SSD, 6GB RAM, 1600x900 Radiance screen, Core i5-450M)
Overall PC manufacturers need to step up their game, not Microsoft. I like my Envy 14 a lot, but I would have paid a bit more for a better trackpad which is my biggest gripe against it.
Apr 22, 06:54 PM
What I learned today: Mac users are hipster douches who think they are tech savvy, but still too dumb to run Windows.
i can't feel...my face.
if i use both, am i a double douche?
i can't feel...my face.
if i use both, am i a double douche?
Apr 12, 12:54 PM
In america, racism is legal, and should be, least one day freedom of speech is so stifled that anyone who isn't, say, blonde haired, blue eyed, be subject to scrutiny.
I don't know about Britain, but what I do know is this: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
I don't know about Britain, but what I do know is this: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Nov 7, 06:41 PM
As if security concerns weren't bad enough if your phone gets stolen.., If this is used to pay automatically for services and merchandise, what's to prevent a thief from running up a huge balance by using a stolen iPhone's RFID? Here in the UK we have to enter a PIN when using a credit card, and that seems to deter thieves. However, there are some places that require only a signature for some bank cards - my ex's purse was stolen in London and within the thirty minutes it took to report this to the bank 300 GBR pounds were charged to her bank card. Using a mobile phone for payment is not new - it's just a stupid idea.
Apr 4, 02:41 AM
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All threads offering items for sale or trade, asking to buy items, or asking for pricing advice on items to be sold must be posted in the Marketplace forum, which is accessible only to qualified members and subject to additional rules; see the Marketplace Rules for details. Members not eligible for the Marketplace forum may not start threads elsewhere for such purposes.
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Apr 13, 01:21 PM
I don't think Pages is horrible. It's not great, but it isn't quite as bad for me as everyone else finds it. I don't use it all that much (Keynote gets used far more than Pages does).
I'm with you. I'm new to the world of Mac and I want to stay clear of Word. It's not a great app, but it's something I'm getting used to.
Same with Keynote, different approach, but I like it better than the world of PP.
I'm with you. I'm new to the world of Mac and I want to stay clear of Word. It's not a great app, but it's something I'm getting used to.
Same with Keynote, different approach, but I like it better than the world of PP.
May 2, 01:55 PM
All this image shows is that the person measuring the white iPhone 4 has no idea how to use a caliper. The idea of a caliper isn't to squeeze the crap out of whatever you're measuring. It is obvious that the in the right picture they are squeezing much harder just looking at the discoloration of the persons skin on their thumb.
Sorry sir, but you are wrong. The difference is only in the post-process of the images. Your "perceived" skin discoloration is because the second image has a higher level of contrast, thus blowing away the highlights and enhancing the midtones and shadows.
Sorry sir, but you are wrong. The difference is only in the post-process of the images. Your "perceived" skin discoloration is because the second image has a higher level of contrast, thus blowing away the highlights and enhancing the midtones and shadows.
Sep 15, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by King Cobra
At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.
My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.
I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.
Ok.. you're right too.... I just don't like the fact that in some threads mac people use the "crapy OS" as a point in order for example to overcome the speed differences. If you like say that you prefer better the GUI in OSX, I don't have any problem with that. But saying that it is crap, bugy or unstable is untrue to say the least.
At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.
My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.
I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.
Ok.. you're right too.... I just don't like the fact that in some threads mac people use the "crapy OS" as a point in order for example to overcome the speed differences. If you like say that you prefer better the GUI in OSX, I don't have any problem with that. But saying that it is crap, bugy or unstable is untrue to say the least.
Jun 17, 08:08 PM
The older models aren't being produced anymore.
Understood, but there is no "Pro" version of this new one, so I'm not sure where you were going with that.
Understood, but there is no "Pro" version of this new one, so I'm not sure where you were going with that.
Oct 26, 09:23 PM
Awesome, I love it! I want to sign up for .Mac so bad, but I can't justify it being worth $99 per year. I would gladly pay $49 per year, especially since I would use iWeb, Photocasting, and all the other good stuff.
yep...me too!!
yep...me too!!
Mar 20, 12:39 PM
I'm not sure if many of us have grasped just how significant this product really is, and equally how important it is that it succeeds.
Yes, this is obviously the case for Apple. I would contend that they're betting a huge proportion of their reputation, and therefore Apple's future success, on the iPad's success.
But it's equally important for the rest of us. For decades MS has had a virtual monopoly in large areas of education sector. This hasn't been good for education and it surely hasn't been good for students.
Apple need to get it right. And pricing is a part of that. The deal is a part of that. But it will be the nature of the whole package that makes or breaks iPad. And in the case of education, it's the deals Apple signs with text book publishers that will make all the difference.
We buy iPods because the interface is great and buying music through iTunes is easy. [Yes, I know it's not the only way to get music on an iPod].
We buy iPhones because the interface is great and buying apps through the App Store is easy [Yes, I know you can jailbreak an iPhone], and getting on the net is easy.
We will buy iPads because the interface is great and buying books through iBookstore will be as easy as music and apps.
When Steve Jobs said "We're standing on the shoulders of Amazon�s Kindle..." he wasn't kidding.
In as many ways as the Kindle is revolutionary [the screen, the process of buying books etc], it is also equally crippled and retarded. The absence of colour makes it useless for text books. Books were printed with colour plates over 100 years ago. Imagine trying to study the use of colours in a artist's work, or studying anatomy... in B&W!
No, Apple have to drown the Kindle before Amazon perfect colour. It's a race in which Apple already have a head start, and a serious competitive edge, in the form of their OS and entire business model, which is much more diverse and competent and than Amazon's.
But we shouldn't ignore the other options:
15 years after Amazon revolutionized the way we buy books [and arguably saved reading books as an idea], in 2009 Barnes & Noble finally started to catch on and announced it is to Launch a Kindle Competitor... in Color! And Fujitsu is set to release its Flepia color e-book reader in Japan with a $1,000 price tag.
Whilst these are not competitors for the iPad in the real sense, they are indicators of how their market could be dinted, and where the technology might be going.
Apple's are not the only fruit, but the iPad is looking increasingly like the most credible education companion. We need to get beyond the package pricing and examine the real benefits of a ubiquitous Apple device in the education sector.
Yes, this is obviously the case for Apple. I would contend that they're betting a huge proportion of their reputation, and therefore Apple's future success, on the iPad's success.
But it's equally important for the rest of us. For decades MS has had a virtual monopoly in large areas of education sector. This hasn't been good for education and it surely hasn't been good for students.
Apple need to get it right. And pricing is a part of that. The deal is a part of that. But it will be the nature of the whole package that makes or breaks iPad. And in the case of education, it's the deals Apple signs with text book publishers that will make all the difference.
We buy iPods because the interface is great and buying music through iTunes is easy. [Yes, I know it's not the only way to get music on an iPod].
We buy iPhones because the interface is great and buying apps through the App Store is easy [Yes, I know you can jailbreak an iPhone], and getting on the net is easy.
We will buy iPads because the interface is great and buying books through iBookstore will be as easy as music and apps.
When Steve Jobs said "We're standing on the shoulders of Amazon�s Kindle..." he wasn't kidding.
In as many ways as the Kindle is revolutionary [the screen, the process of buying books etc], it is also equally crippled and retarded. The absence of colour makes it useless for text books. Books were printed with colour plates over 100 years ago. Imagine trying to study the use of colours in a artist's work, or studying anatomy... in B&W!
No, Apple have to drown the Kindle before Amazon perfect colour. It's a race in which Apple already have a head start, and a serious competitive edge, in the form of their OS and entire business model, which is much more diverse and competent and than Amazon's.
But we shouldn't ignore the other options:
15 years after Amazon revolutionized the way we buy books [and arguably saved reading books as an idea], in 2009 Barnes & Noble finally started to catch on and announced it is to Launch a Kindle Competitor... in Color! And Fujitsu is set to release its Flepia color e-book reader in Japan with a $1,000 price tag.
Whilst these are not competitors for the iPad in the real sense, they are indicators of how their market could be dinted, and where the technology might be going.
Apple's are not the only fruit, but the iPad is looking increasingly like the most credible education companion. We need to get beyond the package pricing and examine the real benefits of a ubiquitous Apple device in the education sector.
Feb 18, 10:44 AM
That's a lot of money in one room! :eek::eek:
Jun 14, 03:43 PM
is that thing besides the ethernet port the "Kinect port" they mentioned on the spec sheets ? just why couldn't the do it with an usb port exactly
Power port for Kinect. If you use Kinect with this new 360, it can be plugged into the console, no other power connection needed. However, if you use Kinect with an older 360, which doesn't have this new power port, you will need to connect it to a wall outlet. I'm guessing with all the motion tracking, and various sensors in the unit, they just couldn't get by with powering it solely on USB.
Power port for Kinect. If you use Kinect with this new 360, it can be plugged into the console, no other power connection needed. However, if you use Kinect with an older 360, which doesn't have this new power port, you will need to connect it to a wall outlet. I'm guessing with all the motion tracking, and various sensors in the unit, they just couldn't get by with powering it solely on USB.
Feb 19, 10:49 AM
I've been using a Power Mac G5 for Logic, but need to upgrade to use my UAD-2 card and Logic Studio 9... the question is what is the best machine within reason to go for? A slower dual processor 8 core system of faster single core quad or six core?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks...
I've been using a Power Mac G5 for Logic, but need to upgrade to use my UAD-2 card and Logic Studio 9... the question is what is the best machine within reason to go for? A slower dual processor 8 core system of faster single core quad or six core?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks...
May 2, 04:03 PM
Has anyone torn-down a recent black iP4? Maybe Apple just changed the camera part on both?
Sep 14, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by bullrat
I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.
I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.
I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.
Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.
The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!
Here's the problem right here with all these nonsensical rants. The G4 iMac is in now way jerky when it comes to window resizing. Whoever has posted this a)doesn't know whay they're talking about b) if they owned this iMac had something wrong with it.
All we're doing by pissing and moaning about Mhz is hurting ourselves an Apple and the whole debate with the PC switchers.
I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.
I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.
I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.
I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.
Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.
The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!
Here's the problem right here with all these nonsensical rants. The G4 iMac is in now way jerky when it comes to window resizing. Whoever has posted this a)doesn't know whay they're talking about b) if they owned this iMac had something wrong with it.
All we're doing by pissing and moaning about Mhz is hurting ourselves an Apple and the whole debate with the PC switchers.
I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.
Jul 6, 05:28 PM
I would LOVE this. I have been with T-Mobile for over five years, and they are a great company. Unfortunately I cannot get out of my new contract until Nov. so having the iPhone on T-Mobile would be awesome, hoping that they can prepare with all the data that will come with it.
Apr 12, 12:50 PM
When I check for updates in outlook it tells me 'no updates available' ... oh well, downloading it now directly from the webpage linked in the article.
don't care
page and keynote still rock
Why do you than bother reading the article and spend the extra time commenting on it :confused: :confused: :confused:
A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.
I prefer running it on the Mac - main reason: I don't run Parallels all the time - only when I have to develop windows stuff, otherwise it's always turned off (less used memory)
don't care
page and keynote still rock
Why do you than bother reading the article and spend the extra time commenting on it :confused: :confused: :confused:
A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.
I prefer running it on the Mac - main reason: I don't run Parallels all the time - only when I have to develop windows stuff, otherwise it's always turned off (less used memory)
Mar 28, 08:32 AM
I think iOS 5 will really be something:)
Apr 4, 10:46 PM
I don't have experience with FM radio docks. But I have read very good reviews about iHome docks that include FM radios.
Mar 16, 09:12 AM
Maybe if people who buy cars only for the name and because it was (or is perceived) to be built in America would have stopped this insanity 30 years ago, we'd have American car companies more able to compete today.
There it is folks. The American consumer is at fault for the problems of the US auto industry.
There it is folks. The American consumer is at fault for the problems of the US auto industry.
Oct 10, 10:35 AM
You know, today is tuesday.... :D
Nah, it's Wednesday.
Nah, it's Wednesday.
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