Saturday, June 4, 2011

justin bieber haircut

justin bieber haircut. Tags: Justin Bieber cuts his
  • Tags: Justin Bieber cuts his

  • dustinsc
    Mar 28, 09:45 AM
    I don't know... perhaps the "Join us for a preview of the future of iOS and Mac OSX" Seems like we will be seeing the new iOS features for the first time.

    Well, it says a preview of iOS and Mac OS X. We've already seen a preview of OS X, so it's not unreasonable to think we will also see a preview of iOS before this.

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  • bugout
    Nov 26, 03:26 PM
    Did the add say it was from apple then ?

    No but the site says it's glass front and back.

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  • MoreBS
    Mar 18, 03:31 PM
    I think sometimes people can be intimidated by all the choices. The trick, when learning, is simplify things, imo. [snip]
    Do this over and over again, with different subjects, until you get a feel for DoF.

    You know that is an excellent suggestion and I am going to do exactly that. Brilliant!

    Thank you very much.

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  • e12a
    Nov 21, 06:23 PM
    Wow! what a great concept.

    Pretty much like some hybrid cars getting power from when they brake.

    The fact that it generates its own electricity, yes, but the same principle no. For light to normal braking the electric motor can act as a power generator, harnessing the kinetic energy of the moving wheels. Brake pads are not involved. Its called progressive braking. Brake pads come into play when you brake hard.

    too bad that's not really anything that laptops can do..unless we can attach a generator to the hard drive and use it to charge the battery when it spins down.

    it's an interesting concept to use heat..i wonder how they will do it. No steam engine here.


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  • justin bieber haircut 2011.

  • spillproof
    Mar 23, 08:34 PM
    Um, the iPhone/touch (and most likely the iPad) is just barely sturdy enough for the urban dweller, I can not see it out in a battle field. :confused:

    In my opinion, they should just buy OSX.

    The title of this article should be:

    Mac goes to WAR:mad:

    1. Just because Apple is selling to the military doesn't mean it supports war.
    2. "Mac" is not going to war with anyone.
    3. What about all the other companies that supply stuff to the military? The military uses BIC pens and eats Nabisco products, does that mean the newspapers headlines should be "BIC and Nabisco go to WAR :mad:" too?

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  • Dagless
    Dec 17, 02:44 PM
    I also find it ironic that people are being told to buy a song which famously has the lyric;
    ****** you i wont do what you tell me

    Joe Public is a clever.


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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 16, 05:49 AM
    Surely a 'Made in USA' car is a thing to avoid? Big, no style, bad engines (huge capacity with no power), poor reliability, nasty plastics inside.

    Get a european one, more reliable (VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi) far far superior technology in the engines, safer and better for the environment, plus you pump money into our economy :p

    Some really sexy cars: VW Scirocco, BMW 3 Series Coupe, Renault Megane Coupe, Audi TT, Volvo C30.... plus they will last for years!

    I can't tell if you're feigning ignorance in the interest of having a laugh, or if you have really bought into the ol' stereotypes. Or maybe my sarcasm detector is broken.

    1. Did you know Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW all manufacture cars in the USA?

    2. I would like to see the source that says the cars you mention are categorically "more reliable" than American-made cars. I suspect that if you spend a little time at you will come away, like I did, seeing mostly non-European cars listed at the top, with a somewhat even smattering of American and German cars thrown in.

    3. If you are in the UK, I am wondering exactly how much of a boost your local economy gets if I buy a Mercedes assembled in Sindelfingen. A lot of German tourists ripe with auto-industry cash come your way, do they?

    4. As an aside, only 3 of the 5 car models you suggest are even available here. They are all fine vehicles, I'm sure, but they are hardly fair recommendations if I can't get them.

    I'm no cheerleader for the U.S. auto industry; there hasn't even been an American-made car in my garage for 5 years. And by and large, our love affair with SUVs deserves mocking. But the notion that one cannot buy a reliable, economic car which simultaneously benefits the U.S. economy is FUD.

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  • walnuts
    Mar 25, 09:40 AM
    Instead of suing everyone, kodak needs to get on this retro kick and start selling kodachrome camera's and film again for cheap. Stop using digital, start developing.

    Second that. There's a niche market (I think) amongst a few for film. Unfortunately, its become really expensive proposition. Even if you pay $2 for a roll and $10 for developing/processing, its crazy expensive compared to digital. If they could some how make it cheaper it could be successful.


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  • Dreadnought
    May 31, 01:11 PM
    Didn't re-downloaded it yet, I will try that next time. Just looked at it, and it's gone. I'll have to wait a couple of days before I'm being overtaken again. I'll let you know.

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  • jake4ever
    Apr 5, 09:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It would be pretty bad ass if the entire screen worked as a button (like the trackpad) so you can go home. You tap the screen to select something or click the screen to go home. :-D

    That would be cool!


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  • macridah
    Oct 26, 10:57 PM
    After more testing, I notice that the new .mac interface doesn't have a feature that other AJAX web based email has (yahoo, hotmail (, and more)

    You cannot press the secondary button (control+click) on a message or folder and have a menu appear with some functionality. for example, hightlight a message(s), control click, and either delete, mark as read, move to ... etc.

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  • fourthtunz
    Feb 19, 05:26 PM
    If it is so insecure, why haven't we heard of all the peoplebeing ripped off where it's used quite extensively?

    So with our media do you believe that you hear everything that goes on?


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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 25, 01:39 AM
    The fact NO site has seemingly reviewed any of UBI's release is very suspicious about their quality.

    Is there a review Embargo in place I wonder?

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  • justin bieber haircut 2011 april. Justin Bieber 2011

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 6, 07:48 AM
    In Massachusetts we already pay an excise tax on vehicles, boat and other toys.
    Introducing a tax on road usage, not to remind you that we already pay taxes for this, would impact the ones that depend on such an infrastructure to support the economy.

    The majority of the revenues that would feed the government waste would ultimately be passed on to everyone. Whether it be food, consumer goods, clothing and so on, it all requires some sort of usage of the infrastructure we are already paying for.

    How about no new taxes and better manage the money we already feed into the garbage disposal.


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  • WannaGoMac
    Apr 5, 05:14 PM
    this is on the new macbook? Weird.

    This is all they have now

    MagSafe power port
    Gigabit Ethernet port
    Mini DisplayPort
    Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
    Audio in/out
    Kensington lock slot

    justin bieber haircut. justin bieber haircut april
  • justin bieber haircut april

  • SilentLoner
    Apr 19, 11:17 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Something doesn't seem right with these videos. It seems like a tack job+jailbreak


    justin bieber haircut. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

    Mar 26, 06:25 PM
    Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.

    justin bieber haircut. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • mikelegacy
    Jan 4, 12:47 PM
    I picked it up. I let you know how it is. I've never bought TomTom or Navigon, because all I've ever had was Garmin devices, and it's AT LEAST $10 cheaper than any other GPS app with Canada maps as well as US. (I like to travel to canada on occasion). The constant updating for free is a major plus, that's the one thing i missed about my old non-smartphone VZ navigator.

    As far as the no onboard maps...that's a bit of a concern. Most of my driving is done within a 3G coverage area, but I've read that it has a way of keeping the maps downloaded even if you drop data coverage. Hopefully this is true.

    EDIT: here is the link for that article i read:

    I will cover Garmin's method of handling maps when a phone is out of data range in my review.
    At least it is hopeful then...

    justin bieber haircut. justin bieber haircut 2011 april. justin bieber new haircut 2011; justin bieber new haircut 2011. Chundles. Mar 31, 06:56 AM. 1. iCal is pug fugly.
  • justin bieber haircut 2011 april. justin bieber new haircut 2011; justin bieber new haircut 2011. Chundles. Mar 31, 06:56 AM. 1. iCal is pug fugly.

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 15, 06:41 PM
    Serious out of over 400,000 members on this forum we have 69 members contribiting to folding@home. Even so team is ranked 58 world wide, thats an incredible thing. We used to be ranked 23, years ago there is no reason we can't grow again!

    Mar 15, 07:53 AM
    I'm still trying to decide if I love it or hate it! It's beautiful, yet ugly ... all at once. I definitely see all 4 elements -- another nice contrast. I think it would have done well in the surreal contest we just had.

    It'd probably work for the next contest theme "Beauty in unexpected places", too.

    Nov 6, 11:17 AM
    Big evil retail conglomerate:

    *ahem* Marco....

    Equally evil RFID-enabled iPhone in my pocket:

    OMG!!! Freaking POLO!!!!! RIGHT OVER HERE!!!!

    Laird Knox
    Mar 4, 09:52 AM
    I agree with the crop. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it or do it before. I remember feeling the same way but then ignoring myself. :)

    This is a "quick and dirty" crop using the crop tools in flickr. I would like more room on the right for the table. This is cropped to the edge of the empty chair, so to do a bit more room I'll have to erase the part of the chair that shows. I may try that when I have more time. (

    That's better but give it a try even tighter. Bring the right edge up past the tray. That might make the toys jump out a little more. Same thing if you bring the bottom edge up closer to his elbow. You may have some room to bring the top and right in a little tighter to match the bottom and left crop.

    I'm not sure if this will make a better photo but from what I see I think it is worth a try. (Gotta love the digital age!)

    I found the original crop interesting at first glance but the more I looked at it the more I lost interest. It may have been the clutter of the bars and expanse of the table and chair to the right - the main focus seemed to get lost. I dunno. ;)

    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    While they're at it, why don't they just integrate the whole Apple TV GUI into the TV and get rid of the crappy TV GUIs?

    Motorola ROKR.

    It's conceivable that they'd license AirPlay because, well, on the display end, it's simple and doesn't involve an interface. It's like plugging in a screen or speakers, only wireless. But there's no way in hell Apple is going to leave any aspect of the rest of the "Apple TV" user experience in another manufacturer's hands. Not again, and not when they can sell the Apple TV for only $100. If the interface shows an Apple logo and lets your browse your iTunes library, it's going to be a 100% Apple product.

    Oct 26, 05:29 PM
    Well I managed to pickup Leopard & a tshirt from Regent st. It was pretty mad in there. I took some shots with my Nikon + sigma 30mm f1.4 but I've yet to process them.

    It was fun waiting around if only to see the hordes of people and interest in what is... a software update. :rolleyes:

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